An Undergraduate Student
Singapore ⇌ Hong Kong
Consumer gadgets Networking Android iOS UI UX Material design Machine learning
Cantonese (Native Speaker)
Mandarin Chinese
Jogging Canto-pop Badminton Table tennis Astronomy J-pop Oreo Travelling Learning Languages
Currently pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
Plan to specialize in Computer Engineering.
Secondary Education in Hong Kong
My team of 4 designed a Cutlery Vending Machine with UV light installed for sterilizing reusable utensils. Check out our code here for more details.
Latest astro* bot;
(A Telegram stargazing bot written in Python)
System Logger Bot (A Telegram channel bot written in Python)
Binary Classification on fake job postings with ML (Python)
Passage Analyzer (Pascal)
Miscellaneous projects (Pascal)
Currently learning digital signal processing and computer communications.
Eager to learn web development, computer networking, machine learning, mobile development in the future.